Morris ‘Fruit’ WHITE: from the Missourians’ banjo to Calloway’s guitar

Very little is known about Morris WHITE, Cab Calloway’s first rhythm guitarist and banjo player.  While French critics seem to have appreciated his musicianship during the 1934 European tour, he attained little or no place in jazz literature.  In the history of Cab’s orchestra, it’s Danny BARKER who is recognized as the star of the guitar in the rhythm section. The musicologist Gunther SCHULLER, however, awarded White many compliments throughout his study of the music of the Cab Calloway orchestra.  The Hi De Ho Blog is excited to tell you everything we know about Morris ‘Fruit’ White.  And as a bonus, thanks to Nick ROSSI, guitarist, writer and jazz historian, we are able to offer you an extra deep dive into analyzing Morris' technique and instruments.   Read the full story →